Happy, Shiny and Healthy Feet: Facts about Podiatry Happy, Shiny and Healthy Feet: Facts about Podiatry

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Happy, Shiny and Healthy Feet: Facts about Podiatry

Hi, my name is Carrie, and I love to walk through the sand in bare feet. Unfortunately, over the years, a number of feet fungi and toe injuries have made my feet look not their best. To improve their look, I have met multiple times with a podiatrist, and I have also done a lot of research on home remedies for feet beautification. In this blog, I plant to explore everything that I know about feet. If you want to make your feet smoother, cleaner, healthier or any other positive attribute, I hope that you find the information you need here. Together, we will find the path to beautiful feet. Thanks for reading! --Carrie


Gait Analysis and Choosing the Correct Shoes

A good number of people simply take any running shoe off the stand rather than selecting the right shoe based on their foot type along with their running technique. However, this begs the question: how do you determine what type of shoe suits you? Well, the answer is simple, take a gait analysis. What is gait analysis? Gait analysis furnishes runners with important information regarding their running technique or style. Read More 

4 Measures That Can Help Bunion Sufferers

A bunion is a prominent bone found inside the big toe. These protrusions can become painful over time since they interfere with your ability to wear shoes. This article discusses four measures you can take if you have a bunion: Do Foot Exercises Bunions may form due to imbalances in the muscles around the big toe and that is why foot exercises may be helpful to stem the growth of those bunions. Read More 

When to Visit a Podiatrist

In case you are not familiar with podiatrists, they are medical professionals who specialize on feet and ankle medical care. They carry out diagnosis, tests, treatment and even surgery to correct feet ailment and discomfort. Generally, one should visit a podiatrist every 2-3 years. Doing so will help abate feet stress and mobility issues. More specifically, you should visit a podiatrist if you have any of the following. Accidental Injuries Read More 

5 Foot Issues You Should Get Checked by a Podiatrist

There are many great benefits that come with bipedal walking, but with these benefits come one downside- if one foot is disfigured walking becomes quite hard. As bipedal walkers ourselves, it is extremely important that we not only take care of our feet, but that we also know when we should seek a podiatrist, as not all issues are matters of self-care. So, what are some foot issues you should see a podiatrist about? Read More 

Sore Paws: How to Relieve the Pain in your Aching Feet

Foot, heel, and arch pain are common ailments. In fact, an Australian study found that  one in five people suffer from foot stiffness or pain  that has a significant detrimental impact on their quality of life. There are several ways in which you can prevent foot pain from occurring, or alleviate the problem once you are already experiencing it. First, determine the source of your pain; second, ensure that you have shoes that fit correctly, and use an appropriate innersole or orthopedic insert if necessary; and third, take care of other aspects of foot care and health, such as trimming toenails and maintaining a healthy weight. Read More